Monday, April 20, 2009

What's this blog for?

This blog is about how to use ordinary technology to create an extraordinary teaching and learning experience. So much writing on eLearning and Technology Assisted learning is of the geeks, by the geeks, for the geeks - mostly about technical esoterica that simply don't matter in reality. I'm trying to avoid this and write for tertiary educators who are not early adaptors and technophiles - people who just want to get on and teach and aren't interested in technical tools as an end in themselves.

Many Universities have silent majority of staff who might user Powerpoint and upload slides to Blackboard or Moodle, and not a lot beyond that. I'm hoping in this blog to exhort, encourage and bully you to do more and try harder. The right technology, where appropriate, can add a lot of value to your students learning process. You can use ordinary technology to generate extraordinary results.

Blog pieces will be always be short, hopefully useful, and as frequent as need and time allows. Comments are welcomed, as are guest bloggers and topic or link suggestions. I'm pitching this at staff in my own institution (University College Cork - UCC) so I'm going to be unashamedly localised in my pitches, but hopefully readers beyond these wall will find it of use. All views and advice are of the author alone, and any similarity to official policy of University College Cork is purely accidental.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!

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