..or, as the song goes "It ain't what you do, it's the way that you do it, and that's what get's results".
Commoncraft embody this idea in their work, and have rightly become iconic for it. If you haven't seen their work, please take a minute and check it out on Youtube.
Technically, it's little more than a stick in the sand. Web distribution aside, you could make it with a flip book. In many ways, it's no different to a powerpoint, but by working with pen and paper, away from the electrons, there is a creative element that is often sucked in Powerpointlessness. The Commoncraft team have been good enough to share how they do it in their blogs. Note in the pictures - the computer is at the edge of the desk - not at the centre.
Good storyboarding and scripting are essential. Don't get hung up on the technicalities of how to make it into a video. You can figure that out at the end (or if you work in UCC, it's part of my day job to help you figure it out). Pick something - a key concept your students have trouble grasping. Take out pen and paper, set aside one good hour, and see what you can achieve.
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