Saturday, November 21, 2009

10,000 hours doing what?

Malcolm Gladwell makes a good case for the 10,000 hour rule in his recent book, Outliers. The idea is that people who are truly great at something always spend at least 10,000 hours practice on it. While Gladwell is widely criticised by his supposed intellectual betters, largely for selling more books than them, the 10,000 hour rule idea certainlt seems sound.

So what did I spend 10,000 hours doing?
Primary and Secondary School. 15,000 hours. I learned to keep my head down, avoid bullying, and get acceptible grades in predictable tests on boring topics with a minimum of effort.
University 5,000 hours. Unlearning the above.
Workplace: 12,000 hours. Office politics. Processing information into useful knowledge and communicating it to people who seemed interested at the time.

So what have you broken the 10,000 hour barrier on?

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