Last week we had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Steve Wheeler from University of Plymouth at UCC for a lunchtime seminar. Steve presented "It's Personal: Learning Spaces,Learning Webs" which he was later to present online to the Personal Learning Environments and Personal Learning Networks Online Symposium http://ltc.umanitoba.ca/blogs/ples/
It was a happy accident that we were able to host Steve, via his Blog we noted he was in Cork on other business, and with a couple of quick eMails everything was arranged - the efficiencies of the online world made manifest.
You can access an audio of the session here:http://www.ucc.ie/academic/ionadbairre/SteveWheeler.mp3 (15mb, 1hr)
And view the slides on Slideshare via Steve's blog here:http://steve-wheeler.blogspot.com/2009/10/its-personal-learning-spaces-learning.html